Girl Scout Baby Names: Sweet names for girls

Girl Scout Baby Names: Sweet names for girls

Meagan Burke, TulipByAnyName

It’s Girl Scout cookie season! Let’s celebrate this delicious time of year and empowering organization by looking at some names inspired by the Girl Scouts.


Founder Juliette Gordon Low organized the first Girl Scout troop on March 12, 1912. Juliette is a French name meaning youthful. Juliette is currently 255 in popularity, just a smidge more common than Juliet at 258. There are several actresses named Juliette, including Juliette Binoche and Juliette Lewis.


Gordon is another way to honor Juliette Gordon Low. A Scottish surname meaning great hill, Gordon peaked in the 1930s and is currently ranked at Number 935. Perhaps the popularity of Jordan has affected the popularity of Gordon. Gordon may remind you of restaurateur Gordon Ramsay or Lizzie’s sidekick, DavidGordoGordon, on the show Lizzie McGuire’s.


The first Girl Scout troop was formed in Juliette Gordon Low’s hometown of Savannah, Georgia. Savannah Smiles, a crisp lemon cookie in the shape of a smile were introduced in 2012 in celebration of the Girl Scouts first meeting 100 years prior. Savannah is a Spanish name with a sweet Southern feel meaning flat tropical land. Savannah currently ranks at Number 39.


Georgia was the birth place of founder Juliette Gordon Law. The first official Girl Scout meeting was held in 1912 in Savannah, Georgia. Georgia is a place name as well as a feminine form of George meaning farmer. Currently Number 243, this little Peach of a name is on the rise, up nearly 100 spots in the last 5 years.


Scout is a spunky word name that many associate with the lovable character in Harper Lee’s iconic novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. Scout also brings to mind images of camping and exploring, perfect for a little Girl or Boy Scout. Last year 205 girls and 54 boys were named Scout.


Daisies are the youngest level of Girl Scouts. Daisies get their name from founder Juliette Gordon Low, who went by the nickname Daisy. A cheery flower name, Daisy is currently Number 180. Actor Meg Ryan and Chef Jamie Oliver each have daughters named Daisy.

Obsessed with Girl Scout cookies? While Thin Mints might be an odd name for a child, Araminta carries that same minty sound. Here are some sweet names inspired your favorite Girl Scout cookies!

Caramel deLites – Carmen

Samoas – Samara

Peanut Butter Patties – Patrick

Tagalongs – Tabitha

Shortbread – Shoshanna

Trefoils – Trinity

Do-si-dos – Doyle

Peanut Butter Sandwich –Pierre

Thin Mints – Araminta

Cranberry Citrus Crisps – Crandall

Lemonades – Lemuel

Rah-Rah Raisins – Rae

Savannah Smiles – Savion

Thanks-A-Lot – Thane

Toffee-tastic – Fiona

Trios – Tristan

What are some other cool names that you would content to these delicious treats?

About the Author



Meagan, also known as TulipByAnyName, is an artist, a vlogger, a blogger, and of course a baby name enthusiast! She loves exploring everything from literary names to celebrity baby names. You can hear her talk about names on her YouTube channel or visit her blog \n