
  1. Aella/Ayla
    • Bay
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        One of the most usable of the pleasant, newly adopted nature/water names (like Lake and Ocean), especially in middle position.
    • Elaina
      • Origin:

        Variation of Elaine or Elena,"bright, shining light"
      • Meaning:

        "bright, shining light"
      • Description:

        While both Elaine and Elena are on an upward trajectory, Elaina has shifted up and down the charts in recent years, making no big moves in either direction. Steadily used, this blend of the two could make it clearer which pronunciation is preferred.
    • Emmarie
      • Leah
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Strong but sweet, Leah is a classic name that doesn’t feel dull or dusty. It’s got plenty of dignity, grace, and pluck, making it a solid choice in the 21st century.
      • Nella