Unusual but classic boys names

We can't quite decide whether to choose a totally unusual name for ds3 or go with classic, but potentially boring! Not sure how brave we are to be totally different this time around.
  1. Amias
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Amias or Amyas is a unique name with an attractive sound and feel and a lovely meaning. Though it might sound like a Biblical name, it is not, but is a surname that may be related to Amadeus or even be a male version of Amy--which would make it one of the few boys' names to be derived from a girls'.
  2. Aurelian
    • Aurelius
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "the golden one"
      • Description:

        Since Aurelius was given the supermodel seal of approval by Elle Macpherson, it has joined Augustus as an ancient Roman name that feels usable today. Slightly mystical and magical, Aurelius is grounded by its similarity to rising stars Aurora, Aurelia, and Atticus, and its golden aura is certainly appealing.
    • Benjamin
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "son of the right hand"
      • Description:

        Benjamin is a biblical name that has enjoyed widespread favor for decades, ranking in the US Top 50 for almost half a century and the Top 10 from 2015 until 2023.
    • Matthew
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "gift of God"
      • Description:

        Matthew was the third most popular boys' name in America throughout the 1980s and '90s, and is still one of the top boy names starting with M. The New Testament Matthew is the epitome of the fashionable classic—safe and sturdy, yet with a more engaging personality than John or William.
    • Nicholas
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "people of victory"
      • Description:

        Nicholas is derived from the Greek Nikolaos, a name that evolved from the components nikē, meaning "victory", and laos, "people." It shares origins with Nike, the name of the Greek goddess of victory. Nicholas is also a New Testament name that is well-used in literature, such as in Dickens's Nicholas Nickleby.
    • Orion
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "boundary, limit"
      • Description:

        Orion is a rising star, with both mythical and celestial overtones.
    • Rafferty
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "floodtide, abundance, prosperity"
      • Description:

        Jaunty and raffish, Rafferty is one of the most engaging of the Irish surnames, used by Jude Law and Sadie Frost for their son. Fortunately, it doesn't still go by its original form: O'Raighbheartaigh.
    • Taliesin
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "shining brow"
      • Description:

        This unusual Welsh mythological name just might appeal to architect parents wishing to honor Frank Lloyd Wright, who called his two famous residences Taliesin and Taliesin West.
    • Thomas
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        A solid classic with plenty of history, Thomas strikes the balance between strength and gentleness. A favorite in the UK, a staple in France, and Australia, and never absent from the US Top 100, Thomas feels like a safe bet and a name that fits into any era.