Fantasy OC - PC Names - Gender Neutral

  1. Florien
    • Flyn
      • Forsythia
        • Origin:

          Flower name, from English surname
        • Meaning:

          "Forsyth's flower"
        • Description:

          This yellow harbinger spring bloom was named for Scottish botanist William Forsyth, and is even more unusual than such species as Acacia and Azalea.
      • Fraise
        • Freydel
          • Freydis
            • Origin:

              Norse, Icelandic
            • Description:

              Freya or Freida makes a more wearable option for an American baby. Freydís Eiríksdóttir was a female Viking warrior from Norse mythology and the half-sister of Leif Erikson.
          • Gabel
            • Gadiel
              • Origin:

                Hebrew, Arabic
              • Meaning:

                "God is my fortune"
              • Description:

                A lesser-known archangel, but the name is probably best known today on comedian Gadiel Del Orte. Thanks to him, and the trend for biblical-sounding names, Gadiel has been rising in recent years.
            • Gaelan
              • Gaelen
                • Gaelin
                  • Gailyn
                    • Galanthus
                      • Origin:

                      • Meaning:

                      • Description:

                        Another name for snowdrops, the small white flowers, Galanthus appeared in Greek mythology under the spelling Galanthis as a servant who deceived the gods and was turned into a weasel. A pretty and unique flower name with a defiant streak, Galanthus is an intriguing choice for a baby girl.
                    • Gannet
                      • Origin:

                      • Meaning:

                      • Description:

                        A bird name that could be thought of as an animated spin on Garrett.
                    • Garin
                      • Origin:

                        Armenian place name
                      • Description:

                        This name of an old Armenian city, might sound a little too masculine for use here. Variations include the more feminine Garine and Karine.
                    • Garlan
                      • Garren
                        • Origin:

                          Invented name
                        • Description:

                          Though it's a new name, sounds almost as dated as GARY and DARREN.
                      • Gayel
                        • Gislan
                          • Glade
                            • Origin:

                              Nature name
                            • Meaning:

                              "clearing in a forest"
                            • Description:

                              Shady, leafy nature-boy name.