Fantasy OC - PC Names - Gender Neutral

  1. Caelyn
    • Cailan
      • Cailen
        • Cailin
          • Cailyn
            • Calan
              • Calen
                • Origin:

                  Modern invented name
                • Description:

                  A recently created member of the Cale family, with a trendy unisex aura.
              • Calin
                • Callas
                  • Description:

                    Opera lovers and fans of the great diva might make a more sensitive choice with Maria.
                • Calliste
                  • Calyn
                    • Camiel
                      • Carel
                        • Carlyn
                          • Caron
                            • Origin:

                            • Meaning:

                              "loving, kindhearted, charitable,"
                            • Description:

                              Though it sounds like Karen, this spelling makes the name more distinctive.
                          • Carrin
                            • Cassiel
                              • Origin:

                              • Meaning:

                                "angel of Saturday"
                              • Description:

                                This name of the archangel who protects those born under the sign of Capricorn is one of the most attractive and distinctive December baby names or January baby names. Cassiel is a little-known member of the increasingly popular Cass family, which includes Cassius, Cassian, and Cassia.
                            • Catant
                              • Cedar
                                • Origin:

                                  English and French from Latin tree name
                                • Meaning:

                                  "cedar tree"
                                • Description:

                                  Cedar is, like Ash, Oak, Pine and Ebony, one of the new tree/wood names that parents are starting to consider; this one is particularly aromatic.
                              • Ceire