Fantasy OC - PC Names - Female

  1. Aeriana
    • Aerica
      • Aericka
        • Aeriela
          • Aerith
            • Origin:

              Modern invented name
            • Description:

              Aerith Gainsborough is a lead character in the video game Final Fantasy. The name was invented by the developers as a translation for the character's original Japanese name Earisu.
          • Aeronwen
            • Aeronwy
              • Aeta
                • Origin:

                  Botanical name
                • Description:

                  Aeta is a punchy botanical name which grabs attention without being overly long or frilly.
              • Aeva
                • Agacia
                  • Origin:

                    Variation of Agatha, Greek
                  • Meaning:

                    "good woman"
                  • Description:

                    With so many A-beginning names finding their way into style, Agacia is one unusual choice that could get more attention. It's part Agatha, part Acacia, and quite intriguing.
                • Agasha
                  • Agna
                    • Agnella
                      • Agneta
                        • Agnethe
                          • Agnola
                            • Agraciana
                              • Agrafina
                                • Agrippina
                                  • Origin:

                                  • Meaning:

                                    "born feetfirst"
                                  • Description:

                                    A name with a rich history in Ancient Greece and Rome, Agrippina was the sister of Caligula and mother of Nero, who had her murdered. The original male version, Agrippa, can also used for girls. The name Agrippina arose in ancient times to further distinguish it as a feminine form of Agrippa.
                                • Agueda