Fantasy OC - PC Names - Female

  1. Deyanira
    • Dhara
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "the earth"
      • Description:

        An international take on Dara.
    • Diamanta
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Diamanta is a version of Diamond that is sometimes heard in France, and does soften the hardness of the stone, but lacks authenticity.
    • Diamante
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Diamante was a commonly-used feminine name among Italian Jews in the Middle Ages. Today, it's more popular for boys than girls in the US.
    • Diamantina
      • Dianca
        • Diandra
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

            "twice a man"
          • Description:

            Diandra is one of many variations on Diana, but lacks its classic class. Associated with Michael Douglas's first wife, who is of Austrian heritage.
        • Diandrea
          • Dianella
            • Origin:

              Botanical name
            • Description:

              Dianella is the botanical name of a small plant which grows across Australia. It flowers in spring with a star-like purple flower which develops into a blue berry. Dianella feels wearable as an elaboration of Diana.
          • Diania
            • Diantha
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

                "divine flower"
              • Description:

                Diantha, a mythological flower of the supreme Greek god Zeus, is a melodious and more unusual cousin of Diana, heard most often in The Netherlands.
            • Dianthe
              • Dianthia
                • Diara
                  • Diega
                    • Diera
                      • Dierdra
                        • Dierra
                          • Digna
                            • Origin:

                            • Meaning:

                            • Description:

                              Seems to cry out for another syllable.
                          • Dilara
                            • Origin:

                            • Meaning:

                              "adorning the heart"
                            • Description:

                              A popular Turkish name with a delightful meaning. It peaked at #11 in Turkey in 2002, but has since dropped back out of the Top 100 there.