Fantasy OC - PC Names - Female

  1. Edelle
    • Edelyn
      • Description:

        Variant of Eadlyn
    • Edena
      • Edenia
        • Edina
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            Edina is an infectious-sounding Minnesota place-name, featured in the British cult hit TV show "Absolutely Fabulous." Edina is also a poetic name for Edinburgh and is a common name in contemporary Hungary. Though some sources list its origins as Hungarian, more peg it as a variation of Edwina, the feminine form of Edwin, an English name.
        • Edita
          • Ediva
            • Edlinna
              • Edmonia
                • Edona
                  • Edurra
                    • Origin:

                    • Meaning:

                  • Edwena
                    • Edwynna
                      • Edythe
                        • Ehrena
                          • Eida
                            • Eidel
                              • Origin:

                              • Meaning:

                              • Description:

                                Perhaps too similar to the word "idol," but Eidel is a pretty (and largely forgotten) Yiddish name.
                            • Eidith
                              • Eigra
                                • Origin:

                                • Meaning:

                                • Description:

                                  Eigra is a name with a great mythological and literary past - it is the Welsh version of Igraine/Ygraine, who was the mother of King Arthur.
                              • Eileithyia
                                • Origin:

                                • Description:

                                  Variation of Ilithyia.