Dusty Ancient Gems

  1. Matrona
    • Medeina
      • Meliantha
        • Melissanthe
          • Melliodora
            • Melpomene
              • Menodora
                • Meresankh
                  • Merja
                    • Merneith
                      • Metrodora
                        • Mezulla
                          • Minadora
                            • Mnemosyne
                              • Myrtoessa
                                • Mystis
                                  • Narcissa
                                    • Origin:

                                    • Meaning:

                                    • Description:

                                      This Greek flower and mythological choice doesn't make it into the pantheon of possibilities because of its association with narcissism. But narcissa is December's flower of the month, so Narcissa and Daffodil theoretically make perfect names for December babies.
                                  • Nefertiti
                                    • Origin:

                                    • Meaning:

                                      "the beautiful one has arrived"
                                    • Description:

                                      This ancient Egyptian queen's name would be best saved for a cat.
                                  • Nemea
                                    • Origin:

                                      Greek place-name
                                    • Description:

                                      The name of a famous valley in ancient Greece, with ties to the historic Nemean Games.
                                  • Nepenthe
                                    • Origin:

                                    • Meaning:

                                      "a poetic drug said to banish sorrow from a person's mind"