Star/Heavenly Names

  1. Armus
    • Arrakis
      • Ashlesha
        • Askella
          • Aspidiske
            • Asterion
              • Asterope
                • Atik
                  • Auriga
                    • Austrina
                      • Auva
                        • Avior
                          • Azaleh
                            • Bellatrix
                              • Origin:

                              • Meaning:

                                "female warrior"
                              • Description:

                                J.K. Rowling is a modern master of naming who brought a whole constellation of ancient and celestial names to modern parents. Bellatrix, of one of the stars of Orion, combines fashionable names Bella and Beatrix to make a convivial and original name. The down side: the Harry Potter character Bellatrix, played by Helena Bonham Carter, is a character so evil she's called a Death Eater, killing one beloved character and being murdered by another. And the name Bellatrix is so closely associated with that character that it might be challenging to sidestep the association.
                            • Becrux
                              • Berenices
                                • Betelgeuse
                                  • Betria
                                    • Biham
                                      • Borealis