A Series of Fortunate Names

  1. Tobias
    • Origin:

      Greek from Hebrew
    • Meaning:

      "God is good"
    • Description:

      Tobias is one of a number of s-ending boys' names that are riding a wave of popularity. With its Old Testament-Dickensian feel, it's a name with a distinguished pedigree.
  2. Tulio
    • Origin:

      Modern version of Roman family name Tullius, meaning unknown
    • Description:

      Heard in both Italy and Spain, Tulio could make a more unusual alternative to Julio. Or with the rediscovery of many Roman names, you might want to go to the original Tullius, the middle name of the philosopher and statesman Cicero.
  3. Viggo
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Though to most Americans Viggo is a one-person name attached to intense actor Mortensen, it is actually an old Norse name dating back to the Vikings, and is currently the 32nd most popular appellation in Sweden. Viggo Mortensen is a Jr., sharing his name with his Danish father.
  4. Xander
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Alexander, Greek
    • Meaning:

      "defending men"
    • Description:

      Xander is a diminutive of Alexander, the Latin variation of the Greek Alexandros. Its meaning, "defending men," is taken from the Greek roots aléxein, "to defend," and andros, "men." Zander, pronounced the same way, is an alternate spelling.