
"old counsel"

Aldred Origin and Meaning

Variation of Eldred

Famous People Named Aldred

  • Aldred or Ealdred
    11th century Archbishop of York
  • Aldred the Scribe
    10th century English monk of St. Cuthbert at Chester,le,Street
  • Aldred
    Bishop of Lindisfarne
  • Aldred Scott Warthin
    American pathologist called "the father of cancer genetics"
  • Aldred Frederick George Beresford Lumley
    10th Earl of Scarbrough, Anglo,Irish peer, soldier and landowner
  • Ealdred I
    ruler of Bamburgh
  • Ealdred II
    son of Uchtred, ruler of Bamburgh
  • Ealdred
    king of the Hwicce

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