
English occupational name

Foster Origin and Meaning

The name Foster is a boy's name of English origin meaning "forester".

Foster is one commonly heard last name that makes a fine first. The word foster means "to nourish" — as in "fostering hope", or "fostering a relationship". The only problem with Foster might be its association with "foster child."

There are numerous notable last-named Fosters, including composer Stephen, actresses Jodie and Sutton, architect Norman, and comic strip artist Hal, creator of "Prince Valiant."

# 967 in the US

Foster Rank in US Top 1000

# 594 on Nameberry

Foster Rank in Nameberry Top 1000

Foster Popularity

Famous People Named Foster

  • Foster Brooks
    American actor/comedian
  • Foster William Hewitt
    Canadian sportscaster
  • Foster Lonnie Campbell
    Jr., American politician
  • Harry Foster Chapin
    American singer/songwriter
  • Norman Foster Ramsey Jr.
    winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics
  • Parker Foster Aiken
    son of singer and politician Clay Aiken
  • Stephen Collins Foster
    "the father of American music," American songwriter
  • Ben Foster
    American actor
  • Hunter and Sutton Foster
    American actor siblings
  • Jodie Foster
    American actress.

Foster in Pop Culture

  • "The Fosters
    " TV series
  • Foster Lambert
    character in horror movie "Insidious"
  • "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
    " animated series
  • "Ellen Foster
    " novel by Kaye Gibbons and movie
  • Foster the People
    American alternative band
  • Foster's
    Australian lager beer
  • Foster
    dog on soap "General Hospital"
  • Court Foster
    character in the 1991 movie "The Man in the Moon"
  • Rita Foster
    character in 2002 movie "Cypher"
  • Robert Foster
    main character in the adventure game "Beneath a Steel Sky"
  • Michael Foster
    character in 2013 movie "The Call"
  • Sophie Elizabeth Foster
    character in "Keeper of the Lost Cities" by Shannon Messenger
  • Foster Blake
    character in Elizabeth Enright's children's novel "Gone,Away Lake"