
"army ruler"

Harald Origin and Meaning

Variation of Halle

Famous People Named Harald

  • Harald Fairhair
    1st King of Norway
  • Harald II Greycloak
    King of Norway
  • Harald Hardrada
    King of Norway
  • Harald Gille
    King of Norway
  • Harald V
    King of Norway
  • Harald Bluetooth
    King of Denmark and Norway
  • Harald II and III
    Kings of Denmark
  • Haraldr Óláfsson
    King of Mann and the Isles
  • Harald 'Klak' Halfdansson
    King of Jutland
  • Harald Wartooth
    legendary king of Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Wendland
  • Harald Christian Frederik
    Prince of Denmark
  • Harald Christian Leopold Gustav
    Prince of Schaumberg,Lippe
  • Harald zur Hausen
    German virologist; winner of the Nobel Prize
  • Harald Franz Schmidt
    German actor

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