
"swift to the plunder"
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Mahershala Origin and Meaning

The name Mahershala is a boy's name meaning "swift to the plunder".

Actor Mahershala Ali single-handedly put this Biblical name on the map. If you think it's difficult to pronounce and spell, consider that it's short for Maher-shalal-hash-baz, the longest name in the Bible which Ali actually used in its entirety as his stage name until 2010.

Popularity of the name Mahershala

Famous People Named Mahershala

  • Mahershalalhashbaz "Mahershala" Ali
    American actor

The name Mahershala in Pop Culture

  • Maher
    shalal,hash,baz‎ – "Hurry to the spoils!" or "He has made haste to the plunder!" – the second mentioned prophetic,name child in Isaiah chapter 7,9