Diminutive of Raymond, word name, English
"wise protector; beam of light"
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Raye Origin and Meaning
The name Raye is a boy's name.
Raye is a masculine name that can function as both a given name and a nickname. It likely derives from the English word 'ray' (as in a beam of light) or may be a shortened form of Raymond, which comes from Germanic elements meaning 'advice' and 'protector.' As a male name, Raye represents a less common spelling variant of Ray. The added 'e' gives the name a distinctive written appearance while maintaining the same pronunciation. This simple, single-syllable name has a direct, unpretentious quality that has appealed to parents throughout the 20th century, though never reaching high levels of popularity. Raye combines brevity with a bright, positive association that makes it both accessible and meaningful.
Famous People Named Raye
- Carter Raye Bridgeson of Wayne Bridge & Frankie Sandford