
Irish, English, Scottish
"descendent of the wolf warrior; holly; colony; from Cully; dove"
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Cully Origin and Meaning

The name Cully is a girl's name meaning "descendent of the wolf warrior; holly; colony; from Cully; dove".

A last name as a first name that also has the feel of nicknames like Callie, Tully, Tally and Tilly, Cully could derive from an anglicized form of the Irish surname Ó Colla.

Meaning "descendent of Colla", Colla being a form of Connla, meaning "wolf or hound warrior", Cully's meaning may well appeal to those who want a softer sounding and playful name but with a strong meaning.

The name might also come from the surname Cullen, which from its Irish roots would mean "holly" or "dog, whelp, puppy" via Cuileann or Coileán respectively. From its English roots however, it relates to either the city of Cologne, in turn derived from the Latin word for colony, or to the village of Cully in Switzerland. Alternatively, from its Scottish origins, it relates to Callum, from the Latin Columba, meaning "dove".

Archaically, Cully referred to someone who is gullible or easily duped, but colloquially, it might be used to refer to male companion, along the lines of a buddy or a pal.

In the British TV show and book series, Midsomer Murders, there was a (female) character called Cully.

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