
Variation of Mabel

Mabelle Origin and Meaning

The name Mabelle is a girl's name .

Is Mabelle pronounced like Mabel or like May-belle or like the French words for "my beauty" — mah belle — in the Beatles song Michelle? This is a decision you'll have to ponder and a question you'll have to answer and a correction you'll need to make time and again. Despite these difficulties, the style for all names belle-related may propel this one upward.

# 968 in the US

Mabelle Rank in US Top 1000

Famous People Named Mabelle

  • Mabelle Gilman CoreyAmerican actress
  • Mabelle Massey "Mab" SegrestAmerican feminist author
  • Mabelle PriorGhanaian,Swiss radio personality

Mabelle in Pop Culture

  • French phrase "ma belle" = "my beautiful"