
French, folkloric name
"strong in work"

Melusine Origin and Meaning

The name Melusine is a girl's name of French origin.

Melusine was a figure from early European folklore, associated with the water. Her legends are especially connected with the northern and western areas of France, as well as the Low Countries. She is also connected with the French Lusignan royal house which claimed to be descended from Melusine. This name makes a good choice for people looking for a feminine mythological name but want to steer clear of Greek and Arthurian mythology.

Melusine Popularity

Famous People Named Melusine

  • (Ehrengard) Melusine von der Schulenburg
    Duchess of Kendal, mistress of King George I of Great Britain
  • (Petronilla) Melusina von der Schulenburg
    Countess of Walsingham, daughter of the above and King George I
  • Mélusine Mayance
    French child actress
  • Melusina Fay "Zina" Peirce
    American feminist, author and activist
  • Mathilde Mélusine Ruspoli (b. 1994)
    daughter of Prince Dado Ruspoli

Melusine in Pop Culture

  • "Melusine
    " Belgian comic strip about the title witch
  • "Melusine
    " fantasy novel by Sarah Monette
  • Melusine
    opera by composer Aribert Reimann
  • "Mélusine"
    a song by French singer Nolwenn Leroy
  • Melusine
    a water sprite in European mythology