
English word name or combination of Mary and Lee
"drop of the sea, bitter, or beloved + meadow"

Merrily Origin and Meaning

The name Merrily is a girl's name meaning "drop of the sea, bitter, or beloved + meadow".

Slightly sing-song and very joyful, with a hint of Melody, a bit of Felicity, and a dash of Truly thrown in, Merrily was briefly popular in the 1940s.

It can be considered a smoosh name, blending elements of Mary and Lee - which might explain why it was popular in the 40s, when Marilyn and Marilee were on trend - or it can be considered a word name, giving it a fresher vibe.

2023 saw spelling variation, Merrilee, appear on the charts again for the first time since the 2000s and with word names trending, perhaps Merrily may make a resurgence in the future.

# 915 in the US

Merrily Rank in US Top 1000

Famous People Named Merrily

  • Merrily WeisbordCanadian memoirist