
Variant of Morwenna, Cornish, Welsh
"maiden, girl"

Morwen Origin and Meaning

The name Morwen is a girl's name meaning "maiden, girl".

A shorter form of Morwenna, similar in feel to Arwen or Gwen, Morwen comes from the Old Cornish word moroin and the Welsh morwyn meaning "maiden, girl". Some sources suggest the name could also come from the Welsh elements mor and wen, giving it the alternative meaning "white, blessed sea".

Morwen appears in Tolkien's Middle-Earth mythology, where it means "dark maiden" in Sindarin. It can also be found in the The Enchanted Forest Chronicles, a series of fantasy-dragon novels by Patricia C. Wrede, in the novel A Secret of Witches by Louisa Morgan, and on a character in The Elder Scrolls video game franchise.

Slightly fantastical and witchy, Morwen could make an interesting alternative to Morgan.