
Diminutive of Tobias

Toby Origin and Meaning

The name Toby is a girl's name .

Toby is an early unisex name with a Shakespearean pedigree; when used for a girl it retains its tomboyish quality.

# 849 in the US

Toby Rank in US Top 1000

# 4479 on Nameberry

Toby Rank in Nameberry Top 1000

Famous People Named Toby

  • Martha Virginia "Toby" WingAmerican actress

Toby in Pop Culture

  • October "Toby" Dayemain character in novels by Seanan McGuire
  • Toby Bishopcharacter in movie "Not Forgotten"
  • Toby Hameecharacter in the Animorphs books by K. A. Applegate