Baby Names A-Z

Search baby names by first letter with these Nameberry name generator tools for every kind of name you can think of.

Search Names by First Letter

baby names a-z

Search baby names by letter using this tool, which can help you narrow your name choices and focus the hunt. It links to lists of all the names on Nameberry from A to Z. Names starting with each letter are ordered by to their current popularity, giving you further insight in your alphabetical name search.

Baby Girl Names A-Z

Baby girl names can also be searched by first letter. You can browse every name for girls in our database using this tool. The most popular first letter for baby girl names today is A by far, with E ranking at Number 2. M is the top consonant starting girl names. And the least popular first initial for baby names for girls? That dubious distinction goes to the letter U.

Baby Boy Names A-Z

boy names that start with o

Are you searching for a name for your baby boy starting with a certain letter? Perhaps you're searching for a third K boy name to match with siblings, or you hope to honor a family member by using their initials, or maybe you just want an easy way to explore what's out there! Browse our full list of baby boy names A-Z here.

Unisex Names A-Z

All the gender neutral names in our database can be searched by first initial here. This A-Z name search tool lets you see popular unisex names from Avery to Zion as well as unusual gender neutral names from Abbott to Zuri, with lists organized by popularity.

Celebrity Baby Names A-Z

unisex baby names a-z

Search celebrity baby names by first initial using this tool. Celebrity baby names A-Z are included for every year, with lists organized alphabetically by letter.

The Top Baby Names A-Z

letters in name gif

The most popular names in the US and on Nameberry for every letter of the alphabet are detailed in our lists of the top baby names a-z. You may be very surprised!

Search Names by Number of Letters

search names by number of letters

Want to search for names by number of letters? We include complete lists of names by gender and letter, from two letter names such as Io and Bo to 12 letter names like Alexanderina. Start your search here.

Search Dog Names A-Z

Transforming Top to Uncommon Male Dog Names

Search dog names by letter using this easy A-Z tool. All the dog names on Nameberry can be found here listed by first letter of the alphabet.

Search Cat Names A-Z

cat names

Find all the cat names on Nameberry, organized by first letter, with this Cat Names A-Z search tool.

Random Name Generator

Random Name Generator

Why spend months searching for the perfect baby name when you can generate one with the touch of a button with our Random Name Generator? It's quick, it's easy, it's random. Try it now.