German Names

  1. Berger
    • Origin:

      German, Dutch, and Swedish
    • Meaning:

      "lives on a hill"
    • Description:

      No kid would want to be open to all those burger jokes.
  2. Manfried
    • Bernise
      • Guenther
        • Shermon
          • Romantza
            • Heinricka
              • Berrta
                • Berrti
                  • Bertilde
                    • Robertha
                      • Gerhardine
                        • Bernessa
                          • Origin:

                            German variation of Bernice, Greek
                          • Meaning:

                            "she who brings victory"
                          • Description:

                            Bernessa is a rare form of the old-fashioned biblical name Bernice, once stylish but now fallen from favor -- though according to the Hundred Year Rule, it could be time for a comeback.
                        • Constanz
                          • Gerde
                            • Benedikta
                              • Krystalle
                                • Gertruda
                                  • Origin:

                                    Polish and Czech variation of Gertrude, German
                                  • Meaning:

                                    "strength of a spear"
                                  • Description:

                                    Peaked in the Czech Republic in 1939.
                                • Gertraud
                                  • Ramonda