1200+ French Names (with Meanings and Popularity)

  1. Zénaïde
    • Rodrigue
      • Lemar
        • Gaetane
          • Papillon
            • Août
              • Théophile
                • Gauthier
                  • Origin:

                    French variation of Walter
                  • Description:

                    This could be a fresh way to honor an ancestral Walter.
                • Barber
                  • Origin:

                    French occupational name
                  • Meaning:

                  • Description:

                    This name's all-male occupational roots help it break the Barbara bonds, but still not the most inspiring surname choice.
                • Raymonde
                  • Denys
                    • Origin:

                      French from Greek, vernacular form of Dionysius; "god of Nysa"
                    • Meaning:

                      "god of Nysa"
                    • Description:

                      Alternative spelling of Dennis, and the usual transliteration from Ukrainian. Used (though rarely) for both sexes.
                  • Paméla
                    • Varena
                      • Rivage
                        • Origin:

                          French word name
                        • Meaning:

                        • Description:

                          Unique, soft, and flowing.
                      • Bastina
                        • Chrétien
                          • Primevère
                            • Perette
                              • Perpétue
                                • Ferrand