1200+ French Names (with Meanings and Popularity)

  1. Bernon
    • Linnellio
      • Sevastiane
        • Victorin
          • Regnault
            • Petronille
              • Origin:

                French feminine variation of Petronius, Latin
              • Meaning:

              • Description:

                So many names sound better with a French accent, and Petronille is one of them -- it feels unusual in an elegant way. But in the US, you'd have to be adventurous to choose it.
            • Arnauld
              • Marjie
                • Raimonda
                  • Tereson
                    • Mariann
                      • Pasquette
                        • Genève
                          • Bérénice
                            • Prew
                              • Lyonell
                                • Tumajina
                                  • Bernardene
                                    • Romanade
                                      • Judithe