615+ Italian Names for Girls and Boys

  1. Teodosio
    • Toma
      • Origin:

        Feminine short form of Thomas or form of Tamar, Hebrew
      • Meaning:

        "date palm tree"
      • Description:

        If you're looking for an honor name for grandpa Tom, this could be a good choice. It's also used as a male short form of the name in Eastern Europe.
    • Fedele
      • Ricciardo
        • Ruperto
          • Romancia
            • Genevra
              • Ninetta
                • Origin:

                  Italian and Spanish diminutive of Nina
                • Meaning:

                  "little girl"
                • Description:

                  Might be carrying things too far -- little little girl? -- though could freshen up this favorite.
              • Benvenuto
                • Origin:

                • Meaning:

                • Description:

                  In Italy, often refers to the joy at the birth of a long-awaited child.
              • Lionzio
                • Ferrando
                  • Abrahamo
                    • Rinaldo
                      • Terenciano
                        • Madalene
                          • Beronia
                            • Placida
                              • Origin:

                                Italian and Spanish
                              • Meaning:

                              • Description:

                                A name that's more familiar in its male form, Placido, but this can be a similar-feeling alternative to Serena.
                            • Ghita
                              • Patrizio
                                • Bionda
                                  • Origin:

                                  • Meaning:

                                  • Description:

                                    As with the English-language cartoon Blondie, more a description than a name.