Finnish Names

  1. Maikki
    • Origin:

      Finnish variation of Mary
    • Description:

      An unusual name that has not ventured outside the Finnish culture.
  2. Janne
    • Origin:

      Danish and Norwegian diminutive of Johanna
    • Meaning:

      "God is gracious"
    • Description:

      This common name for both boys and girls in Scandinavia would definitely work better as a feminine name in the U.S.
  3. Lilya
    • Severi
      • Origin:

        Finnish variation of Severin, French
      • Meaning:

        "stern, serious"
      • Description:

        Makes Severin and Severus a little less, well, severe.
    • Vaino
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "wide river, backwater"
      • Description:

        A popular Finnish male name properly spelt Väinö, which derives from Väinämöinen – a hero from Finnish legend. Vaino (without the diacritic marks) is a Finnish word meaning "persecution" and so is not used in Finland as a name in this form.
    • Rikka
      • Taavi
        • Lauri
          • Samuli
            • Taneli
              • Origin:

                Finnish from Hebrew
              • Meaning:

                "God is my judge"
              • Description:

                Finnish form of Daniel
            • Eetu
              • Origin:

                Finnish variation of Edward
              • Description:

                Eetu is a perennial favorite in Finland, but is rarely if ever used in the States - probably because of the unfamiliar (to most people) spelling and pronunciation.
            • Reima
              • Kaarlo
                • Silja
                  • Paavo
                    • Origin:

                      Finnish variation of Paul
                    • Description:

                      This international variation deserves its own listing for a winning combination of distinctiveness and simplicity.
                  • Orvokki
                    • Raimo
                      • Pentti
                        • Origin:

                          Finnish variation of Benedict, Latin
                        • Meaning:

                        • Description:

                          A quirky international translation of Benedict.
                      • Viljo
                        • Origin:

                          Finnish variation of William
                        • Description:

                          Inventive nickname option, but with built-in pronunciation problems.
                      • Pirkko
                        • Origin:

                          Diminutive of Piritta, Finnish
                        • Meaning:

                          "strength; exalted one"
                        • Description:

                          Cute and quirky nickname that stands on its own in Finland.