1500+ Girl Names Ending in -ia
- Uniqia
- Jetia
- Hepzia
- Spuria
Feminine form of Spuria, Latin, meaning unknown
- Carisia
- Iphimedeia
Ancient GreekDescription:
A minor figure in Greek mythology, who was apparently quite fond of incest; she married her uncle and bore several children by Poseidon, god of the sea, who was her grandfather.
- Maurizia
- Jawaria
- Volumnia
Feminization of Volumnius, LatinMeaning:
Shakespeare used Volumnia as the name of Coriolanus' mother in his tragedy Coriolanus.
- Kendria
- Belicia
- Ayzia
- Ghalia
- Regia
- Avrillia
- Luna sofia
- Mylia
- Mahelia
- Orlandia
- Allysia