Names that Peaked in 2008

  1. Kayden
    • Origin:

      Variation of Caden
    • Description:

      More feminine than the male Caden, which came in at Number 192 in 2015. We still think Cadence is a prettier version of the "Kay-" group of names which are so popular at present.
  2. Shyla
    • Caiden
      • Origin:

        Variation of Caden/Kaden
      • Meaning:

        "round or barrel; battle"
      • Description:

        A variation of the popular Caden, Kayden, Kaden, and so on, Caiden is in the US Top 500 and the UK Top 1000. When you combine all the spelling variations however, Caiden begins to feel and sound like a Top 20 choice in the States.
    • Jazlyn
      • Origin:

        Modern invented name
      • Meaning:

        "jazz by the lake; fower by the lake"
      • Description:

        A modern invention that's been in use since the 80s and in the charts since the 90s, which combines the sounds of Jasmine (or Jasper or just the word jazz) with the popular suffix, -lyn. Inspiration might also have come from Joslyn, Jocelyn, or Roslyn. Trendy but snazzy too, Jazlyn remains in the US Top 600.
    • Nataly
      • Origin:

        Spelling variation of Natalie, French
      • Meaning:

        "birthday of the Lord"
      • Description:

        With Natalie and Natalia in the US Top 100, it is not a surprise for spelling variations to gain popularity. Nataly was given to nearly 300 baby girls in 2023 and was one of the fastest-rising girl names that year.
    • Sanai
      • Origin:

        Variation of Thana, Sana, or Sanaa, Arabic
      • Meaning:

        "praise; to shine; greatness"
      • Description:

        Sanai is a name of Arabic origin, most likely a variation of Thana, meaning "praise", though it is sometimes recorded as a variant of both Sana and Sanaa too.
    • Kamryn
      • Origin:

        Spelling variation of Cameron, Scottish
      • Meaning:

        "crooked nose"
      • Description:

        As a Top 600 name for girls for more than 20 years, Kamryn has become a widely-accepted version of the original Cameron. It also ranks just below the Top 1000 for boys too, though it is used three times more often on girls.
    • Jaelyn
      • Origin:

        Modern invented name
      • Description:

        Jaelyn is a name popular in many spellings and variations, including Jaelynn, Jaylin, and Jalen, and used for girls as well as boys.
    • Landen
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "long hill"
      • Description:

        A variation of Landon, this form has a slightly softer look to it, but it is the less favored of the two. The name itself comes from a surname and a place name meaning "long hill", which likely refers to a ridge in the landscape.
    • Rihanna
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "sweet basil"
      • Description:

        Many will associate Rihanna with the Barbados-born singer, known mononymously by her middle name. During her early years of fame, when "Umbrella" was on the radio and "Take a Bow" was playing through the iPod Shuffle, the name shot up the charts in the US, UK, France, and Puerto Rico. Though the name did fall out of the charts as rapidly as it entered and while some parents might feel it is way too tied to the mid-2000s, Rihanna was given to 165 babies in 2023.
    • Madilyn
      • Origin:

        Spelling variation of Madelyn
      • Description:

        Madelyn is the most popular, phonetically-clear spelling of the lovely and stylish French name. Madilyn edges it toward Marilyn, though that isn't necessarily a bad thing.
    • Cloe
      • Origin:

        Spanish and Italian variation of Chloe, Greek
      • Meaning:

        "young green shoot"
      • Description:

        Cloe comes in second to the original form, Chloe, in it's native Spain. In the US, this honor goes to the Kardashian-ized Khloe.
    • Haiden
      • Origin:

        Spelling variation of Hayden
      • Description:

        This play on Hayden is likely influenced by the popularity of the Aiden names. It has appeared in the US Top 1000 for eight of the past twelve years.
    • Jairo
      • Origin:

        Spanish, variation of Jairus
      • Meaning:

        "God enlightens"
      • Description:

        While Jairus is rare, this Spanish variation is heard in the US, having ranked in the Top 1000 for the last three decades. It currently ranks in the latter end of the charts, while similar sounding Kairo, Cairo, and Kyro rank higher.
    • Milagros
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Even in the Hispanic community, very religious and old-fashioned.
    • Dayami
      • Origin:

        Malay, Cuban; "hay; place name"
      • Meaning:

        "hay; place name"
    • Kiley
      • Origin:

        Spelling variation of Kylie
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Kiley is one of the more reasonable of the Kylie variations, which also include Kilea, Kilee, Kileigh, Kili, Kilie, Kylee, Kyley, Kyli, ad infinitum. Despite its similarity to the popular Riley, the high ranking Kylie will ensure that this choice comes with spelling confusion. For our part, we'd rather people stuck with the original Kylie, especially seeing as that is a Noongar Aboriginal word.
    • Trevin
      • Aditya
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "belonging to Aditi"
        • Description:

          Aditi's seven children, Hindu Gods, are named Aditya.
      • Jaida
        • Origin:

          Spelling variation of Jada
        • Description:

          Actress Jada Pinkett Smith propelled her name into the limelight during the 1990s and early 2000s. Alongside this rise, variant spelling Jaida entered the US Top 1000 in 1998 and peaked at Number 516 in 2008. In the last five years, however, Jaida has dropped dramatically, drawing ever closer to the bottom of the charts.