Animal Names for Boys

  1. Denys
    • Origin:

      French from Greek, vernacular form of Dionysius; "god of Nysa"
    • Meaning:

      "god of Nysa"
    • Description:

      Alternative spelling of Dennis, and the usual transliteration from Ukrainian. Used (though rarely) for both sexes.
  2. Elwen
    • Origin:

      Welsh, Cornish, Breton
    • Meaning:

      "noble friend"
    • Description:

      St Elwen is venerated in Cornwall and Brittany, and lent his name to several regional place names. It is also found as a surname, especially in Norfolk, England.
  3. Aulay
    • Origin:

      Scottish and Manx
    • Meaning:

      "ancestor's descendant"
    • Description:

      Variant of Auley
  4. Dobbin
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Robert
    • Description:

      Ancient nickname that sounds cuter than its modern alternatives -- but be aware that in the days of the horse and buggy, it was most often used for the horse.
  5. Dipper
    • Origin:

      Word name
    • Description:

      Dipper isn't the most name-like of all the constellations, but with its fashionable -er ending and familiarity thanks to Disney Channel's Gravity Falls, it has become a possibility.
  6. Catkin
    • Origin:

      Nature name
    • Description:

      In botany, a catkin is a long, thin flower cluster found on trees such as willow, hazel, oak and birch. The word derives from Middle Dutch katteken "kitten", due to the resemblance to a kitten's furry tail.
  7. Hakon
    • Britt
      • Cager
        • Origin:

          Short form of Micajah, Hebrew
        • Meaning:

          "Who is like God?"
        • Description:

          Sounds a bit like a nickname in a Dickens novel, but this short form was used in New England a few centuries ago, back when names like Micajah were popular. Both short and long forms are now ripe for revival.
      • Caylan
        • Byrd
          • Origin:

            English word name
          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            The name of the teenaged son on the dear departed television show "Huff."
        • Aadam
          • Origin:

            Arabic, Hebrew
          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            Arabic or Islamic spelling of Adam
        • Axiom
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

            "statement of truth"
        • Gauthier
          • Origin:

            French variation of Walter
          • Description:

            This could be a fresh way to honor an ancestral Walter.
        • Astin
          • D'artagnan
            • Origin:

            • Meaning:

              "from Artagnan"
            • Description:

              The least usable of the Three Musketeers names.
          • Hokta
            • Origin:

              Choctaw, Native American, meaning unknown
            • Description:

              Name bestowed upon Choctaw men.
          • Edvard
            • Bannon
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

                "descendant of the small white one"
              • Description:

                This two-syllable Irish surname is as appealing as Nolan, Keegan et al, but much less common.
            • Dugan
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

              • Description:

                Dugan is an open, friendly, and cheery Irish surname that would be suited to a dark-haired boy.