Animal Names for Boys

  1. Dannie
    • Emilion
      • Əli
        • Axiel
          • Ardon
            • Delmus
              • Gruffudd
                • Origin:

                • Meaning:

                  "strong lord"
                • Description:

                  The original Welsh spelling of Griffith, and a common name among medieval Welsh royalty. Gruffudd (or Gruffydd) ap Llywelyn was an 11th-century Welsh ruler who fought the English.
              • Domani
                • Eko
                  • Chainey
                    • Governor
                      • Origin:

                        English, occupational name
                      • Description:

                        Governor is far from one of the established occupational names such as Porter or Cooper, but with babies names King and Prince, Governor certainly wouldn't seem as outlandish today as it once might have.
                    • Danilka
                      • Alik
                        • Bush
                          • Cuff
                            • Origin:

                              American variation of Kofi, Ghanaian, Akan
                            • Meaning:

                              "born on Friday"
                            • Description:

                              Cuff and Cuffee were borne by enslaved people in the US and Caribbean in the 18th and 19th centuries. They are Anglicized forms of Kofi, the Akan name for boys born on Friday.
                          • Avihu
                            • Origin:

                            • Meaning:

                              "he is my father"
                            • Description:

                              The name of a son of Aaron in the Old Testament. Abihu is a variant form.
                          • Cormag
                            • Benatar
                              • Origin:

                                Hebrew surname, meaning unknown
                            • Bazyli
                              • Carlitos