Animal Names for Boys
- Dilan gael
- Honour
English word nameMeaning:
Virtue name Honor was given to just over 100 baby boys (and around the same number of baby girls) in 2022. Spelling variation Honour — the spelling of the word used in the UK — is used in much smaller numbers in the States, but is slowly increasing in use.
- Appolo
- Gentile
"aristocratic, noble"
- Dore
- Harte
Most often spelled without the final "e"--unless you're a particular fan of writer Bret.
- Angel eduardo
- Gianozzo
- Caide
- Cheever
"female goat"Description:
Cheever has a nice, cheery sound, literary ties to novelist and short writer John Cheever and also, sideways, to the Edward Arlington Robinson narrative poem "Miniver Cheevy," as well as a subliminal association with the desirable word achiever: all strong pluses.
- Arfon
Welsh place nameDescription:
Arfon is a centuries-old name the area of north-west Wales closest to Anglesey (in Welsh, Môn), so its name literally means "facing Anglesey". Its main town is Caernarfon, "fortress in Arfon". It is sometimes used as a local pride name by parents with a connection to the area.
- Everhett
- Ern
- Cadiz
- Avraham
Variation of Abraham, HebrewMeaning:
"father of multitudes"Description:
A more scriptural way to spell Abraham.
- Arlis
- Agoston
- Aaiden
- Fidèle
- Cortlandt
"short land"Description:
A place and surname turned first name, as in aviator Cortlandt F. Bishop and four-star general Cortlandt V. R. Schuyler. Cortlandt was a village near modern-day Wijk bij Duurstede, Netherlands. Its name was derived from the Dutch elements cort, meaning "short" or "narrow," and landt, "land."