Animal Names for Boys
- Akela
Hawaiian variant of Asher or AdelaDescription:
A unisex name in Hawaii, where it can signify either Asher (for boys) or Adela (for girls), Akela was also the name of a character in Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book.
- Hoy
- Almus
- Heris
- Astevan
- Edwards
English surnameMeaning:
"son of Edward"Description:
Top 100 surname in the US and UK.
- Alegend
American invented nameMeaning:
"a legend"Description:
The popularity of legendary names, such as Legend, Legendary, and Legacy, has led to the creation of new names in this genre — meet Alegend (and ALegend and A'Legend). Phrases as names are slowly filtering into the mainstream, with choices like AKing, MyLove, and AMillion garnering more and more use each year.
- Chukwuemeka
"God has done something great"Description:
Often shortened to Emeka, as in basketball player Emeka Okafor.
- Elice
- Ishico
- Iivo
- Crock
- Geoffroi
- Aspyn
- Abnor
- Hagop
- Gavri
- Aiyden
- Jaffrez
- Desideratus