Animal Names for Boys

  1. Barta
    • Efan
      • Ignacek
        • Guardian
          • Origin:

            Occupational name from French
          • Meaning:

        • Abrão
          • Dontae
            • Arnd
              • Gavan
                • Alem
                  • Avici
                    • Origin:

                    • Meaning:

                      "without waves, incessant"
                    • Description:

                      A cool sound with a dark meaning: in Buddhism, Avici is the lowest level of hell into which it is possible to be reborn.
                  • Burrell
                    • Amer
                      • Aage
                        • Origin:

                        • Meaning:

                        • Description:

                          An awkward name for English speakers - we suggest the Old Norse version, Aki, might work better with modern names.
                      • Byrnes
                        • Burech
                          • Arlow
                            • Aspin
                              • Florrian
                                • Cadon
                                  • Edvino