15,000+ Two-Syllable Girl Names
- Caitrìona
- Judithe
- Cerian
Cerian is a diminutive of Ceri (pronounced like Kerry), which comes from a root meaning "love". Both were relatively popular in Wales in the 1980s and 1990s, though they are used less there today.
- Zelpha
- Kerith
Biblical place name, HebrewMeaning:
"a cut"Description:
In the Bible, there is a reference to the Kerith Ravine, where God told Elijah to hide in order to be provided with water during a drought. There is also a Kerith in the James Michener novel The Source. A soft and gentle and very unusual addition to the category of biblical place names.
- Orane
Oriana's not-quite-as-pretty French cousin.
- Yocheved
"God is glory"Description:
The name of the mother of Miriam, Aaron and Moses in the Old Testament. Yocheved was also the name of one of the three daughters of the medieval Talmudic scholar, Rashi.
- Poppi
- Mindel
Yiddish form of Hebrew MenuchaMeaning:
Rarely heard outside the Jewish community; another form is Minda.
- Gratia
Although the saintly Gratia was male -- Blessed Gratia of Kotor -- this name feels quite female today.
- Taci
African, ZuniMeaning:
One African choice that might be easier to understand if spelled phonetically: it's pronounced TAH-shee.
- Ziola
Variation of Zoila, GreekMeaning:
Ziola is a Zoe relative via Zoila, the feminine form of the Ancient Greek name Zoilos or Zoilus, borne by a 4th century BC cynic philosopher. Zoilos adopted a name meaning "Homer whipper" for himself.
- Niran
- Sibi
Diminutive of Srbislava, BosnianMeaning:
"glory of the Serbs"Description:
Best known as the name of Sibi Blažić, Christian Bale's wife. She has Serbian heritage.
- Island
English word nameDescription:
A rare unisex alternative to Isla.
- Blessyn
English word name, variation of blessingDescription:
This variation of the English word "blessing" is on the rise, while the original Blessing actually fell in use in 2022. This may soon become a Journee/Journey type of situation, where the misspelled version becomes more popular than the original. The name Blessyn was given to 149 baby girls in 2022, and Blessing to 236.
- Myusya
- Jadon
"God has heard"Description:
Though this name is beginning to be added for girls, it's not usually in the classic Biblical form. Most parents would use Jaden or other more "creative" spellings such as Jaidyn.
- Kata
Diminutive of Katariina, Finnish, and Katalin, HungarianMeaning:
A European nickname for Katherine variations.
- Aodhnait
Irish, GaelicMeaning:
"little fire"Description:
An ancient Irish saint's name derived from the same root as the popular Aidan.