Two Syllable Names for Girls

  1. Dejai
    • Starleen
      • Rebah
        • Bradly
          • Tarra
            • Geanine
              • Offir
                • Liba
                  • Origin:

                  • Meaning:

                  • Description:

                    A light-sounding name with a great meaning that could also appeal to non-Yiddish speakers. It is quite rare in the US, but on an upwards trend.
                • Jitka
                  • Masa
                    • Wyndy
                      • Simonne
                        • Calandre
                          • Lyssah
                            • Sheree
                              • Lanee
                                • Ashah
                                  • Tessi
                                    • Jehanne
                                      • Leea