Two Syllable Names for Girls

  1. Orphia
    • Acaste
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "unstable, irregular"
      • Description:

        Acaste is the name of two figures in Greek mythology — one of the Oceanids who was a companion of Persephone, as well as the nurse of the daughters of king Adrastus of Argos.
    • Jaedah
      • Marshay
        • Steinunnr
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

            "waving stone"
          • Description:

            Steinunnr is now obsolete in its native region, having been replaced by the more modern Steinunn — currently a fashionable choice in Iceland.
        • Ettel
          • Phédre
            • Gildy
              • Karmel
                • Mardell
                  • Brightly
                    • Origin:

                      English word name
                    • Meaning:

                      "in a way that gives out or reflects much light"
                    • Description:

                      A bright and bubbly word name would be fun on a girl or a boy — a more spritely alternative to Brighton.
                  • Eulene
                    • Ardell
                      • Kearsten
                        • Ardi
                          • Jolien
                            • Petrine
                              • Alto
                                • Description:

                                  Musical choice best left to the boys, or variation of Alta.
                              • Karas
                                • Dalya