Two Syllable Names for Girls

  1. Giannah
    • Katleen
      • Chauntea
        • Llùcia
          • Origin:

            Catalan form of Lucia, Latin
          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            This is Catalonia's native form of Lucy, but parents today tend to prefer the Spanish version Lúcia.
        • Clairice
          • Dellin
            • Leesa
              • Nandi
                • Lyuda
                  • Cynnie
                    • Tereigh
                      • Anime
                        • Origin:

                          Japanese from English
                        • Meaning:

                        • Description:

                          Names from anime series are becoming increasingly popular, and Anime itself is now occasionally used as a name for girls.
                      • Konstanze
                        • Meya
                          • Dorritt
                            • Origin:

                              Variation of Dorrit
                          • Dahrah
                            • Ndila
                              • Origin:

                              • Meaning:

                                "billy goat"
                              • Description:

                                In Akamba culture, children were historically given names with animal meanings if their mother's first pregnancy was a stillbirth. It was thought that these names promoted survival and kept the bad omens away from the child. Additionally, this saved the "good" names — typically those of grandparents — for later-born children, who were considered more likely to survive.
                            • Jirca
                              • Annchen
                                • Feyline