15,000+ Two-Syllable Girl Names
- Yitta
- Doireann
- Kerran
- Norline
- Paryss
- Borake
- Mared
Welsh form of MargaretDescription:
Sounds like Maren, but with a surprise ending. If you're looking for a fresh way to honor Margaret, this could be it.
- Bernise
- Ossie
- Anees
- Jadra
- Meylin
- Sidaine
- Concord
Place name, English word nameMeaning:
"a state of agreement"Description:
Concord, Massachusetts is home to tranquil Walden Pond, and as a word name, concord has a harmonious meaning, making this a modern virtue name.
- Shailagh
- Brynnley
- Ghazal
- Sadya
- Judi
- Lalah