Two Syllable Names for Girls

  1. Florry
    • Debroah
      • Nancey
        • Darel
          • Shavonte
            • Ileene
              • Hadas
                • Pruie
                  • Altie
                    • Jony
                      • Daicee
                        • Darran
                          • Jayil
                            • Neilla
                              • Alless
                                • Emann
                                  • Dolors
                                    • Origin:

                                    • Meaning:

                                      "lady of sorrows"
                                    • Description:

                                      Catalonia's answer to Dolores is out of fashion, although the short form Lola is popular for children.
                                  • Doshia
                                    • Naylah
                                      • Paulla
                                        • Origin:

                                        • Meaning:

                                        • Description:

                                          An ancient Roman spelling of Paula, used more often than the male equivalent Paullus. Because of the meaning, this name was commonly given to younger daughters.