Two Syllable Names for Girls

  1. Ahshlee
    • Rayko
      • Raneem
        • Sommet
          • Rikky
            • Necha
              • Saby
                • Dejah
                  • Heavyn
                    • Oceanne
                      • Jayleigh
                        • Earldene
                          • Ellaine
                            • Tija
                              • Ritsa
                                • Capris
                                  • Meica
                                    • Georgiann
                                      • Gaetanne
                                        • Aitzpea
                                          • Origin:

                                            Basque, place name
                                          • Description:

                                            Name taken from a hermitage dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Aitzpea was the name of Basque actress and director Aitzpea Goenaga.