15,000+ Two-Syllable Boy Names

  1. Xzavier
    • Origin:

      Spelling variation of Xavier
    • Description:

      With the trendiness of both X and Z, this spelling has it all. However, there's no real need for the added letter, unless you're looking for extra Scrabble points.
  2. Amphion
    • Origin:

      Greek mythology name
    • Description:

      Son of Zeus known for musical abilities, an edgy choice for music-minded families.
  3. Eldric
    • Eivor
      • Origin:

        Swedish, Norwegian
      • Meaning:

        "careful island; island defender; good luck"
      • Description:

        Traditionally a feminine name in Scandinavian culture, where these days it's mostly considered a grandmother name. Americans may associate it with Eivor Varinsdottir, a character from Assassain's Creed. She is likely the inspiration for the parents who gave this name to twelve boys and eight girls in 2022.
    • Kaspian
      • Origin:

        Polish variation of Caspian
      • Meaning:

    • Akim
      • Origin:

        Russian form of Hebrew JEHOIAKIM
      • Meaning:

        "God will establish"
      • Description:

        This strong and commanding Russian name is pronounced ah-KEEM.
    • Aurik
      • Breland
        • Origin:

          English, German
        • Meaning:

          "watery meadow"
        • Description:

          An English surname used mononymously by the American singer-songwriter and record producer Breland (born Daniel Gerard Breland), who could certainly boost his cool name into the limelight.
      • Çinar
        • Origin:

          Turkish word name
        • Meaning:

          "plane tree"
        • Description:

          Cınar is a Turkic word name derived from the Persian word chenar, meaning "plane tree." It's a common surname and masculine given name in Turkey. Cınar is typically written with the Turkish dotless I.
      • Xaiden
        • Riddick
          • Origin:

            Variation of Reddick, Scottish
          • Description:

            Variation of Reddick, recognizable as the name of Vin Diesel's character in the Riddick film series, based on the Chronicles of Riddick books.
        • Shiron
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            Associated with music; don't be surprised to see it on collections of Hebrew songs.
        • Haskel
          • Origin:

            Yiddish variation of Ezekiel
          • Description:

            Rarely used cerebral-sounding name that is actually the Yiddish form of Ezekiel.
        • Vivek
          • Origin:

            Sanskrit, Indian, Hindi, Tamil
          • Meaning:

            "wisdom, distinction"
          • Description:

            A handsome and energetic Sanskrit name, borne by Indian actor and comedian Vivek, and Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi.
        • Gehry
          • Origin:

            Variation of Geary, Irish or English
          • Meaning:

            "spear or fickle"
          • Description:

            You might want to honor premier U.S. architect Frank Gehry--even though he was born Ephraim Goldberg. Gehry, pronounced like the more common surname Geary, may be a spin on the name Gary, which means spear, or derive from the Middle English word geary, which means fickle.
        • Timmy
          • Taylen
            • Origin:

              Modern invented name
            • Description:

              A newly coined unisex name that, for boys, feels like a cross between Talon and Taylor. One of the many unique unisex names invented from elements popular in other names.
          • Kabir
            • Origin:

            • Meaning:

              "the great"
            • Description:

              Kabir is the 37th name of God in Islam. Kabir is also the name of an Indian poet and mystic saint. In the US, Kabir is on the rise as a boys' name, favored by Muslim parents.
          • Hanish
            • Origin:

              Literary name
            • Meaning:

              "one who forewarns of storms"
            • Description:

              This name from the ancient Gilgamesh Epic would be a challenging choice; Hamish makes a more user-friendly option.
          • Townsend
            • Origin:

              English surname
            • Meaning:

              "edge of town"
            • Description:

              An English locational surname originally denoting someone who lived at the town's outer limits, now has a solid, aristocratic air. It may also derive from an anglicization of the French Toussaint – someone born on All Saint's Day, November 1.