5000+ Three-Syllable Boy Names

  1. Enrique
    • Origin:

      Spanish variation of Henry
    • Description:

      This is an appealing name that could cross cultural borders, but it has lost ground in recent years.
  2. Denali
    • Origin:

      Place-name and Native American
    • Meaning:

      "the great one"
    • Description:

      Alaska's Denali National Park is the home of the highest mountain in the US, officially renamed Denali in 2014, endowing the name with a lofty feel. There were 20 boys and 55 girls given the name in 2014.
  3. Bartleby
    • Origin:

      English surname, probably related to Bartholomew
    • Meaning:

      "son of the furrow"
    • Description:

      Bartleby (that's his last name) the Scrivener is a famous Herman Melville character whose surprisingly powerful refrain was, "I would prefer not to." Or, in the immortal words of any two-year-old: No.
  4. Roosevelt
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "rose field"
    • Description:

      Presidential surname adopted as a first by numbers of midcentury African-American parents.
  5. Amaro
    • Origin:

      Portuguese, Spanish, Galician
    • Meaning:

      "noble fame, or bitter"
    • Description:

      A saint who is especially popular in Galicia and Asturias in Spain, who is said to have sailed across the Atlantic to paradise. His name may derive from Germanic Adelmar, possibly influenced by Latin amarus "bitter".
  6. Basile
    • Origin:

      French variation of Basil
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Herby and aristocratic Basil remains a tough sell, but we’d like to introduce you to Basile, the delightful French version. It retains all of Basil’s charm, but sheds some of the pesto linkage.
  7. Garrison
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "son of Garret"
    • Description:

      As Harrison is to Harry, Garrison is to Gary: both of the longer versions sound more modern and appealing. NPR's Prairie Home Companion's Garrison Keillor was born Gary.
  8. Alister
    • Origin:

      English variation of Alasdair, Scottish
    • Meaning:

      "defending men"
    • Description:

      This anglicized spelling of the already anglicized Alistair originates from the Scottish form of Alexander. Some might think it lacks the flair of the -air ending, while others might find it sleeker and simpler. Either way, in the US, it's the second most popular spelling after Alistair, ahead of both Alasdair and Alastair, while in the UK, it is in use, but least preferred of the four.
  9. Jacaerys
    • Origin:

    • Description:

      Nicknamed Jace, this name belongs to a Prince of the Targaryen dynasty in the Game of Thrones universe.
  10. Endellion
    • Origin:

      Cornish place and saint's name
    • Description:

      Endellion is the name of an early saint who was a daughter of King Brychan and goddaughter of King Arthur whose life is commemorated by the Cornish village of St. Endellion. This intriguing ancient name was brought into modern usage by British Prime Minister David Cameron, who used it as one of the middle names for his fourth child (a daughter).
  11. Marcelo
    • Origin:

      Spanish variation of Marcellus
    • Meaning:

      "little warrior"
    • Description:

      Both the Spanish Marcelo and Italian Marcello would work well for children of any backgrounds. The name has been in the US Top 1000 consistently since the mid-90s and has been steadily climbing upwards. Deriving from the Roman family name, Marcellus, itself a diminutive of Marcus, Marcelo currently ranks above Marcello and Marcel in the states.
  12. Asterion
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "little star"
    • Description:

      In Greek mythology Asterion is the name of the Minotaur — also called the Minoan Bull — who lived in the Labyrinth in Crete. Asterion was the child of Poseidon and the queen of Crete.
  13. Connelly
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "love, friendship"
    • Description:

      Connelly is an open, inviting, and rarely used Irish surname that can make a perfect alternative to the overused Connor or Colin for a boy.
  14. Lazuli
    • Origin:

      Persian place name
    • Description:

      Now deeply associated with the gemstone Lapis Lazuli, Lazuli is derived from one of the places where the stone was first mined. The word Lazuli is the root for words like azure. Lapis Lazuli is a deep and rich blue color and was used for pigments and jewellery.
  15. Agustin
    • Origin:

      Spanish, from Latin
    • Meaning:

      "the exalted one"
    • Description:

      Popular in the Hispanic world and used in honor of Saint Augustine, Agustin is an anglicized form of the Spanish Agustín. It peaked at Number 561 in 2001 in the US charts and has since dropped on and off of the list again. Given to around 210 boys in a recent year, Agustin also ranks highly in Chile and Uruguay.
  16. Alfonso
    • Origin:

      Spanish and Italian
    • Meaning:

      "noble, ready"
    • Description:

      Alfonso was a royal name in Spain as far back as the 7th century, but it is rarely heard outside the Hispanic community in the US.
  17. Scorpius
    • Origin:

      Astrological name; Latin
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Scorpius is the constellation that the Scorpio zodiac sign originates from. It was given its venomous name due to the constellation's resemblance to a scorpion's tail.
  18. Mustafa
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "the chosen one"
    • Description:

      Mustafa is a name widely used in Turkey, as it was the given name of the man popularly known as Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey. Mustafa is also an epithet of the prophet Muhammad and was the name of four Ottoman sultans. Other spellings include Mostafa, Moustafa, and Moustapha.
  19. Hamilton
    • Origin:

      English and Scottish
    • Meaning:

      "treeless hill"
    • Description:

      Unless it runs in your family, or Alexander Hamilton is your particular hero, you might consider something less imposing -- and without the teasable nickname Ham.
  20. Mercutio
    • Origin:

      Literary name
    • Description:

      A Shakespearean name used for the wild and witty best friend of Romeo in Romeo and Juliet. A variant of the name, which supposedly derives from Mercurius/Mercury, first appeared in one of Shakespeare's sources, Luigi Da Porto's 1530 play Giulietta e Romeo.