Three Syllable Names for Boys

  1. Tabarus
    • Donegal
      • Jabaree
        • Johathon
          • Jovanney
            • Harryson
              • Juliaan
                • Shelomon
                  • Octavus
                    • Hosheia
                      • Rayedon
                        • Pepillo
                          • Ricardoe
                            • Ramari
                              • Labrentsis
                                • Wladunir
                                  • Rawlinson
                                    • Montano
                                      • Origin:

                                        Spanish and Portuguese
                                      • Meaning:

                                        "from the mountains"
                                      • Description:

                                        The name of the governor of Cyprus in Shakespeare's Othello could be a good alternative to overused (and now mostly female) Montana, bolstered by the trendy o-ending.
                                    • Faulconner
                                      • Maazyahu