Three Syllable Names for Boys

  1. Nikkleson
    • Damasu
      • Maccauley
        • Quintavis
          • Quantavous
            • Sebasten
              • Silbanio
                • Bellamey
                  • Leonetti
                    • Errico
                      • Tamburlane
                        • Benjamon
                          • Terrious
                            • Davison
                              • Partholon
                                • Gabrial
                                  • Barnebus
                                    • Colombain
                                      • Dennyson
                                        • Atilla
                                          • Origin:

                                            Turkish and Azerbaijani form of Attila
                                          • Meaning:

                                            "little father"
                                          • Description:

                                            While English speaking countries might heavily associate this name with the 5th century Attila the Hun, it remains a popular choice in Azerbaijan - and Hungary, with the Attila spelling.