Three Syllable Names for Boys

  1. Sevastian
    • Enoli
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "black fox"
      • Description:

        Perky Cherokee boy name with a great meaning. Foxes symbolize cleverness and playfulness in Cherokee culture.
    • Shikoba
      • Origin:

        Choctaw, Native American
      • Meaning:

    • Galahad
      • Origin:

        Welsh or place name
      • Description:

        The son of Lancelot and Elaine in Arthurian legend, Galahad is the purest and most chivalrous of the Knights of the Round Table, and one of the three achievers of the Holy Grail. The derivation of his name is unclear. It may come from Welsh Gwalchafed (hawk of summer) or "gwalch" + "cad" (hawk of battle), or it may be an anglicization of the place name Gilead in Palestine. Certainly a bold and brave choice for a baby boy!
    • Gaetano
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "from the city of Gaeta"
      • Description:

        The progenitor of the English name Guy, Gaetano has a lot more gusto.
    • Rensselaer
      • Origin:

        Dutch surname
      • Meaning:

        "from Rensselaer, Gelderland"
      • Description:

        If you find the surname Rensselaer in your family tree, that indicates your ancestors were from the town of Rensselaer, Gelderland, Netherlands. Rensselaer is the name of a city and country in New York, named after Kiliaen van Rensselaer, a merchant from Amsterdam who helped found the Dutch West India Company and New Netherland colony of the US.
    • Moroni
      • Origin:

        Italian surname or Mormon
      • Meaning:

        "son of Mauro; our lord"
      • Description:

        Moroni isn't heard very often these days, probably because the first five letters have strong teasing potential. It's a common Italian surname meaning "son of Mauro," but its use as a first name is limited to the Mormon community.
    • Ganymede
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "glad thought"
      • Description:

        In Greek mythology, Ganymede was Trojan youth who was so beautiful that he was carried off to be Zeus' cup-bearer, and made immortal. His name may derive from Greek ganymai "to be glad" plus medomai "to think, to plan".
    • Orsino
      • Origin:

        Italian variation of Orson
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Orson is being rediscovered and Orsino is every bit as attractive.
    • Almanzo
      • Origin:

        Invented name
      • Description:

        The European-sounding name of the husband of Little House on the Prairie author Laura Ingalls Wilder actually arose as an Anglicisation of an Arabic name: "Way back in the time of the crusades there was a Wilder…and an Arab…saved his life. El Manzoor was his name." Almanzo James Wilder was affectionately called "Manly" by his family.
    • Nevada
      • Origin:

        Spanish place-name
      • Meaning:

        "covered in snow"
      • Description:

        Western place-name that feels equally appropriate for both genders. Note: Natives say rhyme that second syllable with had, so it's not nehv-AH-da.
    • Ennio
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Lively Italian name borne by composer Ennio Morricone, best known for his film music. If you're interested in Italian names for boys, this makes a choice that's off the beaten track.
    • Revello
      • Origin:

        Italian place name, Catalan
      • Meaning:

        "wild olive tree"
      • Description:

        Most frequently seen as a surname of those with Italian or Spanish heritage. The Italian variation is a habitational surname denoting ancestors from the town of Revello, while the Catalan (sometimes spelled Revelló) derives from revell, meaning "wild olive tree."
    • Alyosha
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Russian diminutive of Alexei, borne by the protagonist in Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov. Alyosha, like most other Russian diminutive forms, is not generally given as a standalone name in Russia itself.
    • Eliyah
      • Buchanan
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "place of the cannon"
        • Description:

          A lesser-used presidential choice, with a charming, buccaneering sound. Fictional bearers include the Marvel Comics character James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes, as well as the heroine of F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby Daisy Buchanan.
      • Kazimir
        • Origin:

          Russian, Slovene, Croatian
        • Meaning:

          "destroyer of peace"
        • Description:

          A strong Slavic classic, borne by many kings and princes through the ages.
      • Branigan
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "little raven"
        • Description:

          Branigan, also spelled Branagan or Brannigan, is an Irish name full of energy and cheer. It was the title of a 1975 John Wayne movie, and Zapp Brannigan is the antihero of the animated sitcom "Futurama." Branigan fans might also want to consider such related Irish names as Brennan and Breccan, Rafferty and Finnegan.
      • Aquarius
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "water carrier"
        • Description:

          Astrological name retains a hippielike Age of Aquarius feel.
      • Tassilo
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "shining like the day"
        • Description:

          An ancient Germanic name belonging to an 8th century duke of Bavaria, as well as to a modern-day prince of Bulgaria. It is a diminutive form from Tasso, which probably derives from the Germanic name Taginbert, a cognate of Dagobert.