Names that Peaked in 1881

  1. Halbert
    • Glennie
      • Ason
        • Louanna
          • Nanie
            • Tiney
              • Origin:

                Variation of Tiny or diminutive of names that end in -tine
              • Description:

                An antique nickname we're unlikely to see again. Tiney was used as a given name for small baby girls, as well as a nickname for names such as Christine and Ernestine.
            • Daisye
              • Hessie
                • Lota
                  • Crissie
                    • Katharyn
                      • Eithel
                        • Almedia
                          • Katheryn
                            • Origin:

                            • Meaning:

                            • Description:

                              Variation of Katherine.
                          • Dollye