Names ending in ia

  1. Emylia
    • Laetizia
      • Filicia
        • Simonia
          • Mikia
            • Lakecia
              • Jaia
                • Mirandia
                  • Ieishia
                    • Almedia
                      • Jullia
                        • Emma victoria
                          • Nastashia
                            • Juannia
                              • Jellia
                                • Origin:

                                  Invented literary name
                                • Description:

                                  A name created for Jellia Jamb, a sweet and beautiful servant in the Royal Palace in the Emerald City of Oz, who appears in several books in the series.
                              • Chavarria
                                • Nigeria
                                  • Origin:

                                    Modern coinage
                                  • Meaning:

                                    "country on the Niger river"
                                  • Description:

                                    A patriotic choice for parents with a connection to the West African nation. The name Nigeria was coined by colonialists in 1897, after the Niger River which flows through the country. The river name is of uncertain origin, perhaps from a Saharan language. As a girl name in the USA, it had a low-key wave of popularity in the 1990s and 2000s.
                                • Patiencia
                                  • Donatilia
                                    • Quinticia