Names ending in ette

  1. Ursulette
    • Marette
      • Jolette
        • Ginette
          • Sarette
            • Margolette
              • Origin:

                Literary invention
              • Description:

                Fanciful feminissima name created by L. Frank Baum for a character in The Patchwork Girl of Oz.
            • Lynnette
              • Guilette
                • Ambrette
                  • Origin:

                    French, word name
                  • Description:

                    Ambrette is the name of a French dessert pear, and also a West Indian hibiscus seed.
                • Clarette
                  • Raynette
                    • Cossette
                      • Starlette
                        • Alowette
                          • Antionette
                            • Nadette
                              • Perette
                                • Fayette
                                  • Florette
                                    • Lanette